All posts by veronicapuentevera


Free Combo for Change

I recently found this resource from Chloe, just when I needed it!

Combo for change is a combination of Energizing Options: from Tired to Energized, from Nerves to Confidence. If you think of a problem, you may blog Chloe and she may create one!

How often do we get irritated or angry?

The Combo for Change I got is from Anger to Calm. It is fantastic the way Chloe shows in this Combo how  shaking out our body can calm our Reptilian Brain followed by the Five Element Movement then the Lion pose , . . . , all the way to the  Acupuncture Point Liver Meridian and ending with Palming. Such a wonderful calming modality.

If you’d like to get one of these great  Combos for Change, you may do so by signing up in the  Spiral Up! 127 web page.

You can read it, you can listen to it, or even better you can watch the video where Chloe models eight Energizing Option combinations.

And everything is from the SPIRAL UP book.

Hope you enjoy it!